upload your own subtitles

Upload Your Own Subtitle Files

If you already have a subtitle file for your video, simply choose which video file you want to add subtitles to, and then easily add the subtitle onto the program's timeline by uploading an SRT file.

Enhance your videos instantly with your own captions and create eye-catching video contents in seconds.

Customize Your Subtitles Quickly

Choose from over 50 fonts: Any Video Converter Freeware offers a vast selection of over 50 built-in font families. Enhance the legibility of your subtitles by choosing the perfect font for your videos.

Customize the position, size and color of your subtitles: Personalize the position, size, and color of the subtitles to make them visually pleasing and easily readable. Just enjoy the freedom to customize these aspects even after the initial adjustments.

customize subtitles
make video accessible

Make Videos Accessible to More Viewers

Make your videos accessible to global audience with subtitles. With speech-to-text translation, language barriers are eliminated, allowing everyone to understand your content, regardless of the video's original language.

Get your message across effectively with subtitles in your video. Captivate your audience and give them the power to make instant decisions. Subtitles not only enhance accessibility, but also engage a wider audience, including those with hearing impairments.

Gain More Engagement

Adding subtitles to videos can indeed help increase engagement. Enhance your videos with subtitles to elevate the viewing experience.

Subtitles grab your audience's attention, emphasize key points, crucial words and messages, and foster audience engagement. Boost viewer retention and encourage viewers to engage with the content by watching it until the end.

gain more engagement
improve video seo ranking

Make Your Videos Searchable and Improve Your Video's SEO Ranking

Subtitles contribute to better SEO for your videos. Search engines can crawl and index the text in subtitles, making it easier for your content to be discovered and ranked in search results.

Adding subtitles not only makes your videos more searchable but also improves their visibility online. With subtitles, your video content gets indexed, making it easier to find through relevant keyword searches, ultimately increasing your click-through rates and watch time. Take advantage of search engine optimization (SEO) practices and make your videos stand out.

How to Add Subtitles to Video

Step 1. Run Any Video Converter

Open Any Video Converter, you will see the main interface as shown on the left.

Step 2. Select Add Subtitles Tool from the Program

Simply choose the "Add Subtitles" tool from the tookit list.

Step 3. Add A Video to the Program

Click "+ Add Video" to add a video to the program.

Step 4. Add Subtitles to the Video

Go to the "Subtitle File" option on the right panel of the program, browse and import an .SRT file. Click "Start" button to add subtitles to the video.

Read More Details more

Any Video Converter Subtitles Adding Tool

Subtitles Adding Tool Allows You to Upload and Customize Your Own Subtitles to the Video

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do video subtitles matter?

The significance of closed captioning has grown significantly in recent years. Research indicates that 80% of viewers are more likely to complete a video with subtitles, and a substantial 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. This means that video captions are important for all viewers, not just those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Subtitles are particularly helpful for modern viewers who watch videos on their mobile devices in noisy or crowded environments where listening to audio may not be feasible. Additionally, subtitles enhance the accessibility, engagement, and appeal of any type of video content.

2. What is the most common subtitle file format?

SRT is the most common subtitle format.

3. How do you add subtitles to a video and save it?

If you want to permanently add subtitles to a video, then the easiest solution would be to use a free video editor like Any Video Converter Freeware to create and edit the subtitles and then save your video.

4. How do I change the font, color, size, style of the subtitles?

All you have to do is click ‘Output Options’ on the right panel of the program, where you can choose font, size, color, alignment, bold, italics, and more.

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